HL2 E2 question, stuck in odd place
(too old to reply)
2007-10-16 20:29:36 UTC
I am hoping this is a stupid question, but I am stuck and at wit's
end. I am at the part where I emerged from the mine/caves, and saw the
bridge with the combines marching across, and defeated the two antlion
bosses. Now I see a cage with an elevator in it and a generator
powered garage door to get in. I assume the vortegon (sp?) dude is
supposed to turn on the generator so the garage door opens and I can
use the elevator, but him and Alex are just standing by the ground
pounding thingy like during the boss fight. After killing the bosses,
do I need to do something else to get things going? Am I supposed to
get into the cage by myself? Stacking objects to try to jump on top
hasn't worked out so well for me so far. Any insight would be greatly
appreciated. I am almost wondering if the game is broken for me, I had
some funky issues before the update a few days ago (first splash
screen didn't work, no voice audio but other audio). Has anyone else
beat the bosses and have the dude open the door to the elevator?

2007-10-17 07:12:23 UTC
this happened to me as well. it's a glitch, i fixed it by replaying
the whole section, and vortegon didn't get stuck the second time
