Planning to install Episode 1 (Aftermath), but have questions about uninstalling, etc.
(too old to reply)
2006-06-13 20:03:59 UTC

I got Episode 1 (Aftermath) yesterday, but haven't opened the package and installed it. I would
like to know if I can uninstall this addon and then give the addon to someone else. I doubt I
will ever replay this map again. How does this work with my STEAM account? I know, I can
uninstall the game components like The Lost Coast, Deathmatch, CounterStrike Source, etc.

Also, will future addons and levels (even custom downloadable levels/mods made by people) be
requiring this addon? I know this addon is stand alone and does not require the original HL2.
Very confusing. :I

Thank you in advance. :)
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Mark Morrison
2006-06-15 17:01:43 UTC
Post by A***@zimage.com
I got Episode 1 (Aftermath) yesterday, but haven't opened the package and installed it. I would
like to know if I can uninstall this addon and then give the addon to someone else. I doubt I
will ever replay this map again. How does this work with my STEAM account? I know, I can
uninstall the game components like The Lost Coast, Deathmatch, CounterStrike Source, etc.
You can uninstall it, but not pass it on - once it's registered to
your account, it's yours forevermore...
2006-06-15 21:14:39 UTC
Post by Mark Morrison
You can uninstall it, but not pass it on - once it's registered to
your account, it's yours forevermore...
Perhaps what we all thought was a computer game is actually real...maybe the
Combine are real. Does anyone know a Dr Breen or has anyone spotted any
persons of a Combine-persuasion wandering about?
