Oh well, I have given up playing this awful game;(
(too old to reply)
2005-01-29 01:06:30 UTC
Yeah, the frame rate has dropped to almost zero when fighting those
jumpy creatures at the end of level two. On all three resolutions the
game has slowed down to a crawl. It's impossible to play a game when
the frame rate is almost non-existent.

Boy, what a truly awful game. I have more than the minumum specs - am
on a Pentium 4 for God's sake and this game almost stops when you get
about three alien things jumping at you. Diabolical.

Best game ever? More like the worst. I'll see if I can get my money
back. No game is worth this diabolical frame rate. Have I been conned
into believing this was good? Yep. What a dumb sap I was. I'm sticking
to console games in future.
2005-01-29 01:15:37 UTC
The damn thing is Valve has the nerve to tell us what the min
requirements are and I have got 512 mbram, 3.2 ghz, direct x7 level
card, pentium 4, and the game almost freezes when three aliens attack.


Sorry to rant on but I feel conned. There is no way my pc should be
this slow playing a game like this.
Eric Lebecque
2005-01-29 09:02:26 UTC
Wow boy, calm down.

I have P4 2.66 GHz, 512 Mo, ATI Raddeon 9600 and it works perfectly.

Of course if you have 10,000 programs running background it will slow down

PC's are so-called multi-tasks but it's time sharing. The more the programs,
the less the available time...

So shut down Outlook express, MSN, and all the programs you don't need while

Dam! This game is far from being awful


2005-01-29 15:30:56 UTC
Eric, the game still audi stutters when you have too much going on on
screen and the frame rate slows to a crawl.

I have played the game with all other applications off, so it's not my
processor having too much to handle. What I do find rather sad is I can
play Counter Strike online and the game is very smooth even with five
or more characters on screen. I accept that Counter Strike online has
tiny environments compared to those in Half-Life 2, but the point being
my cpu, video and audio cards can handle lots of characters. As I said
in another thread, I have a Pentium 4. So it's not my pc at fault -
it's definitely Valve releasing bugged code. Even if Valve fix the
sound lagging - and the updates haven't (well, not on my pc) - the game
still has permanent horizontal video lag. It's a fundamental flaw in
the game. Every time you move left and right with the mouse the game
struggles to update the column/wall blocks. You see bits missing for a
split second and that's why the game has all these glitches. Forward no
glitch - left and right glitch. It is incredible no-one at Valve
corrected this before release and it's just as incredible no reviews of
this game mentioned it.

The game is bugged - it's not the finished product and yet it's being
sold as that. People who think this is the best game ever made can live
in denial but it doesn't change the fact this game is severely bugged.
Valve should apologise for misleading the gaming public whom have
shelved out cash for a fantastic looking game, but one that plays
rotten. There is no excuse for releasing a product that is so clearly
2005-01-30 17:00:29 UTC
You don't meet minimum specs. It says DirectX 7 level *CARD*. You don't
have a "card". You have onboard, system memory sharing graphics. And very
slow onboard, system memory sharing graphics at that too.

Post by b***@onetel.net.uk
The damn thing is Valve has the nerve to tell us what the min
requirements are and I have got 512 mbram, 3.2 ghz, direct x7 level
card, pentium 4, and the game almost freezes when three aliens attack.
Sorry to rant on but I feel conned. There is no way my pc should be
this slow playing a game like this.
2005-01-30 22:48:44 UTC
I do have the right specs. Even if I didn't, the game stutters on
people with faster machines! Geez - how many times do I have to keep
repeating that? People with the fastest PCs out there get audio and
video stutter. It's game code, not my pc that's at fault.
rinse cycle
2005-01-31 04:09:16 UTC
Post by b***@onetel.net.uk
I do have the right specs. Even if I didn't, the game stutters on
people with faster machines! Geez - how many times do I have to keep
repeating that? People with the fastest PCs out there get audio and
video stutter. It's game code, not my pc that's at fault.
Oh well. Sucks to be you.
2005-01-31 09:46:31 UTC
Now that you have given playing the game2, does this mean you will also give
up posting on here? Please.
Eric Lebecque
2005-01-31 12:42:30 UTC
Oh yes !

Oh yes !

Oh yes !


Jim a
2005-02-12 00:28:36 UTC
who cares what you do, works fine here.
Post by b***@onetel.net.uk
Yeah, the frame rate has dropped to almost zero when fighting those
jumpy creatures at the end of level two. On all three resolutions the
game has slowed down to a crawl. It's impossible to play a game when
the frame rate is almost non-existent.
Boy, what a truly awful game. I have more than the minumum specs - am
on a Pentium 4 for God's sake and this game almost stops when you get
about three alien things jumping at you. Diabolical.
Best game ever? More like the worst. I'll see if I can get my money
back. No game is worth this diabolical frame rate. Have I been conned
into believing this was good? Yep. What a dumb sap I was. I'm sticking
to console games in future.