trying to get into 3rd generator room
(too old to reply)
2005-12-14 02:45:43 UTC
hi I have been playing half-life2 and I cannot get into the 3rd generator
room to destroy it. I went to 2 help sites and they said destroy generator 1
got to room with large holes in walls doors shut and trapped till they cut
doors open then shoot way out go to generator room 2 destroy that then go to
room 3 but door is closed where it is suppoased to be located I see a
sliding metal door that cannot open so stuck in the building because that
gernerator maintains 3 security force fields. Can I get assistance as to how
to open the door is there a switch I misses somewhere???
Eric Lebecque
2005-12-14 08:10:14 UTC
Post by Dan
hi I have been playing half-life2 and I cannot get into the 3rd generator
room to destroy it. I went to 2 help sites and they said destroy generator
1 got to room with large holes in walls doors shut and trapped till they
cut doors open then shoot way out go to generator room 2 destroy that then
go to room 3 but door is closed where it is suppoased to be located I see
a sliding metal door that cannot open so stuck in the building because
that gernerator maintains 3 security force fields. Can I get assistance as
to how to open the door is there a switch I misses somewhere???
Hi !

I remember there is a room where you can find some grenades and mines.
To enter that room you have to follow the corridors counter-clockwise.
Then door shuts, and u have to set traps to fight back the Combine who
attack from both doors (one of them being the initially stuck door).
When they are all dead, you can pass that stuck door (that has been blown
away by the Combine).
Hope it helped.

