TF2 crashes?
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Patrick Vervoorn
2007-09-24 09:56:36 UTC

I'm playing the TF2 beta and am having some problems with it. Of course,
I'm aware it's a beta, so that may be the source of the problems. Also, my
computer may be a bit underpowered for it, but hopefully I can verify that

The problem I'm seeing is that TF2 sometimes, after about 1/2 to 1.0 hours
of play just hangs. It oftentimes happens when the server I'm playing on
is doing a map-change, and the game just hangs while it's loading the new
map data. Yesterday-evening, it also crashed as I was killed and waiting
for a respawn. When doing that, it bogs down the system in a big way; I
only very slowly get a Windows menu when I press Ctrl-Esc. When I press
Ctrl-Alt-Del, the Task Manager either doesn't come up, or I get a message
it cannot be initialized.

The system I'm running this on:

P4-2.4GHz/1GB memory
AGP GeForce 7600GT/256MB, with 163.71 beta drivers (upgraded from 163.67,
but this didn't fix the problems)
WinXP Pro SP2
rest pretty much standard stuff

I'm pretty sure it isn't the videocard overheating, since this system runs
Bioshock without any problems. The fact I cannot get the Task Manager
started is probably a sign, of something? Am I running out of memory?
Is 1GB enough for TF2? Are people in this newsgroup running TF2 on
comparable hardware, and (not) seeing the same thing?

The WinXP install is a bit old, so it's entirely possible that's the
culprit, but a reinstall will take me a lot of time. Hopefully I'll get my
new gaming rig within a week or so, so that I can 1) test TF2 on that, and
2) can sort out/reinstall this system without any haste. ;)

Anyway, wouldn't mind hearing other people's experiences with TF2...


Patrick Vervoorn
2007-09-28 11:57:10 UTC
Post by Patrick Vervoorn
I'm playing the TF2 beta and am having some problems with it. Of course,
I'm aware it's a beta, so that may be the source of the problems. Also, my
computer may be a bit underpowered for it, but hopefully I can verify that
The problem I'm seeing is that TF2 sometimes, after about 1/2 to 1.0 hours
of play just hangs. It oftentimes happens when the server I'm playing on
is doing a map-change, and the game just hangs while it's loading the new
map data. Yesterday-evening, it also crashed as I was killed and waiting
for a respawn. When doing that, it bogs down the system in a big way; I
only very slowly get a Windows menu when I press Ctrl-Esc. When I press
Ctrl-Alt-Del, the Task Manager either doesn't come up, or I get a message
it cannot be initialized.
Well, the crashes have disappeared, about around the same time the first
or 2nd TF2 patch was released. Happy camper here, I'm liking it a lot,
mostly playing the Demoman for now.

The defensive tactics inherent to that class allow me to get to know the
maps a bit better, and also see the way (incoming) assaults are set up.
Hopefully I can turn that 'knowledge' and 'experience' into becoming a
better offensive player too. ;)



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