2005-06-18 21:29:53 UTC
For those that don't want to read the following blah blah blah:
Download Cold Ice here:
Play here:
1) Install into your SteamApps/<user name>/half-life/ directory. After
installing, you will see Cold Ice as one of the games listed in the game
dropdown on the Servers screen. Select it, refresh, and you should see the
server. You will also see it under Third Party Games in the Play Games
screen. You can manually start it from one of the above and from the console
type connect ooksserver.no-ip.info:27014
2) Key setup does not seem to work. I copied config.cfg from the valve
directory to the ice directory, and the keys seemd to work OK. You can also
bind from the console.
3) AFIK this is still the last remaining Cold Ice server.
4) Email me [ooks server @ zo o t a l nospam dot com] remove nospam and
More comments:
Cold Ice was an early HL1 DeathMatch mod back in the days when
Counter-Strike was unheard of and Oz and RocketCrowbar reigned supreme
(Rocket Crowbar was another excellent mod, but the mod team went in a very
strange direction and ruined the mod, and that was the end of Rocket
Crowbar). This was back when CDS (Charlotte Death Squad) was one of the
hottest Oz servers and won.west/won.east were pretty good DM servers. I
remember very well the day when the total number of Half-Life servers in the
world hit 1000, but I digress..... It featured over the top weapons (nuke
launcher, kamikazi vest, awesome chain gun, sexy satchel bombs "ohhh, push
that button!", excellent maps with an ice and snow theme and a bit of tongue
in cheek humour. I loved how everytime you switched weapons you would hear a
quiet voice announce the weapon. When you switched to the PPK, you heard
"Bond. James Bond". It was hilarious :) .
For a while it was very popular, but Valve broke it with one of their HL
updates. Cold Ice died overnight. Several years ago a new team got together
and made a beta build, made a half-assed attempt to publish it, and then the
team fell apart again. I talked to several of the team members back then,
and worked with one of them in an attempt to publish another beta, but alas
the guy with the source code vanished and took the source with him. We never
heard from him again. I continue to run an Ice server, and if I have the
time I'll actively promote it to see if we can generate enough interest to
keep the server populated, or even get a few more servers running.
Download Cold Ice here:
Play here:
1) Install into your SteamApps/<user name>/half-life/ directory. After
installing, you will see Cold Ice as one of the games listed in the game
dropdown on the Servers screen. Select it, refresh, and you should see the
server. You will also see it under Third Party Games in the Play Games
screen. You can manually start it from one of the above and from the console
type connect ooksserver.no-ip.info:27014
2) Key setup does not seem to work. I copied config.cfg from the valve
directory to the ice directory, and the keys seemd to work OK. You can also
bind from the console.
3) AFIK this is still the last remaining Cold Ice server.
4) Email me [ooks server @ zo o t a l nospam dot com] remove nospam and
More comments:
Cold Ice was an early HL1 DeathMatch mod back in the days when
Counter-Strike was unheard of and Oz and RocketCrowbar reigned supreme
(Rocket Crowbar was another excellent mod, but the mod team went in a very
strange direction and ruined the mod, and that was the end of Rocket
Crowbar). This was back when CDS (Charlotte Death Squad) was one of the
hottest Oz servers and won.west/won.east were pretty good DM servers. I
remember very well the day when the total number of Half-Life servers in the
world hit 1000, but I digress..... It featured over the top weapons (nuke
launcher, kamikazi vest, awesome chain gun, sexy satchel bombs "ohhh, push
that button!", excellent maps with an ice and snow theme and a bit of tongue
in cheek humour. I loved how everytime you switched weapons you would hear a
quiet voice announce the weapon. When you switched to the PPK, you heard
"Bond. James Bond". It was hilarious :) .
For a while it was very popular, but Valve broke it with one of their HL
updates. Cold Ice died overnight. Several years ago a new team got together
and made a beta build, made a half-assed attempt to publish it, and then the
team fell apart again. I talked to several of the team members back then,
and worked with one of them in an attempt to publish another beta, but alas
the guy with the source code vanished and took the source with him. We never
heard from him again. I continue to run an Ice server, and if I have the
time I'll actively promote it to see if we can generate enough interest to
keep the server populated, or even get a few more servers running.