Just finished Game!
(too old to reply)
2005-08-29 00:58:20 UTC
Okay Now That I Finished the game, A few things really need to be said.
The Ending while many found it too much of a cliff hangar leaves room
for a third Half Life which by the way make the world go round! $$$
The game in general was cool... Wish there were more "DOG" Sequences,
but very cool use of physics. What made this game fun is the gameplay
changed... Either throwing spheres, using rockets, placing objects on
sand to walk on, or using the antlions as personal attack pets. very
very cool!
I would give this Game a Perfect score with a few areas to be done
better in next game... Weapons and ammo could be in other places such
as lockers and drawers instead of Supply Boxes... But I think valve
made it so you dont start throwing away needed supplies at enemies...
still think this one area could have been addresed with supply cabinets
and ammo cabinets. The graphics were as photorealistic as you could
ever dream with water that looked even better than far cry. Although
The gameplay was linear and has no real re-play value it was well worth
the $25.00 spent. Yeah I was a late odopter by about 6 months :-)
Amazing Half Life 2 Experience. -Sam
Ian Hastie
2005-08-31 19:14:28 UTC
Post by S***@gmail.com
Okay Now That I Finished the game, A few things really need to be said.
The Ending while many found it too much of a cliff hangar leaves room for
a third Half Life which by the way make the world go round!
Sort of, it's an expansion for HL2 called Aftermath.

2005-08-31 22:20:32 UTC
Post by S***@gmail.com
Yeah I was a late odopter by about 6 months :-)
Amazing Half Life 2 Experience. -Sam
Better later than never. :)
Dave Jackson
2005-09-03 18:58:46 UTC
ya, the game was waaay 2 linear...
2005-09-04 02:03:07 UTC
Post by Dave Jackson
ya, the game was waaay 2 linear...
Cos for some reason, linearity is somehow bad, regardless of the
2005-09-04 10:18:57 UTC
Post by GFree
Post by Dave Jackson
ya, the game was waaay 2 linear...
Cos for some reason, linearity is somehow bad, regardless of the
Books are so linear. We should all read "choose your own adventure" books
instead. Obviously much better ;)
Add the word afiduluminag to the subject
field to circumvent my email filters.
Ignore any mail delivery error.
Matt (ssmmdd)
2006-01-30 14:51:04 UTC
Post by Toby
Post by GFree
Post by Dave Jackson
ya, the game was waaay 2 linear...
Cos for some reason, linearity is somehow bad, regardless of the
Books are so linear. We should all read "choose your own adventure" books
instead. Obviously much better ;)
Now there's an idea... :P
