Worst tech ideas of the 21st century . . .
(too old to reply)
Courtney Cong
2006-06-10 23:44:55 UTC
No #1 - STEAM . . .
2006-06-11 00:39:22 UTC
I disagree with your number 1 slot, and would like to suggest the following:

Muslim countries with nuclear power.
2006-06-16 19:36:41 UTC
Post by Carl
Muslim countries with nuclear power.
What about Christian countries with nuclear power?

Bush is just as convinced as the Ayatollahs that God is on his side and all
other religions are evil, after all. ;)
Jack of Hearts in The Eeeeevil Cabal (TINC...)
E-mail - quake2lives AT gmail DOT com
Website - http://www.evilbill.org.uk.
There is no spoon.
2006-06-18 07:59:51 UTC
Hmm, yes, what then is your bad tech invention for the 21st c? The router i
use to connect to t'internet? i should have put a smiley next to that first
remark. I can see why the usa don't want them to have it, and i can see why
other countries don't want thier affairs pried into by the usa. As for the
christian countries, well, I havent had any gas bombs fired at my house
before, or a death squad show up because my missus viewed an opinion in
publilc, nor a nuke dropped on the hovel because my govt doesnt like my
2006-06-18 13:52:47 UTC
Post by Carl
Hmm, yes, what then is your bad tech invention for the 21st c? The router
i use to connect to t'internet?
Mobile phone ringtones ;) BLECH. LOL :)
Post by Carl
i should have put a smiley next to that first remark. I can see why the
usa don't want them to have it, and i can see why other countries don't
want thier affairs pried into by the usa. As for the christian countries,
well, I havent had any gas bombs fired at my house before, or a death
squad show up because my missus viewed an opinion in publilc, nor a nuke
dropped on the hovel because my govt doesnt like my religion.
You don't get that in Egypt either... you do in Iraq, but only *after* the
American invasion...
Jack of Hearts in The Eeeeevil Cabal (TINC...)
E-mail - quake2lives AT gmail DOT com
Website - http://www.evilbill.org.uk.
There is no spoon.
2006-06-19 03:39:13 UTC
Hmm, yes, but I am gonna stick with what I posted out of devilment more than
anything else!
2006-06-19 13:38:23 UTC
Post by Carl
Hmm, yes, but I am gonna stick with what I posted out of devilment more
than anything else!
That works. ;)
Jack of Hearts in The Eeeeevil Cabal (TINC...)
E-mail - quake2lives AT gmail DOT com
Website - http://www.evilbill.org.uk.
There is no spoon.
2006-06-30 22:21:18 UTC
Post by EvilBill
Post by Carl
Muslim countries with nuclear power.
What about Christian countries with nuclear power?
Bush is just as convinced as the Ayatollahs that God is on his side and all
other religions are evil, after all. ;)
Is that why he always appeals to Islam as the religion of peace?

Of course this shouldn't even be a serious point of contention. The
difference between most countries having nukes and a country
sympathetic to Bin Laden having one is obvious.
2006-07-01 01:33:03 UTC
Post by Beal
Post by EvilBill
Bush is just as convinced as the Ayatollahs that God is on his side and all
other religions are evil, after all. ;)
Is that why he always appeals to Islam as the religion of peace?
He's also trying to ban everything that doesn't fit in with his religious
viewpoint (same-sex marriage, abortion, contraception...)
Post by Beal
Of course this shouldn't even be a serious point of contention. The
difference between most countries having nukes and a country
sympathetic to Bin Laden having one is obvious.
And the difference between nuclear power and nuclear weapons is also
Worst-case scenario, even if they *were* pursuing nuclear weapons - which as
far as anyone knows, they're not, despite the sabre-rattling from Bush and
Blair - they're 10-15 years away from having one.

A lot can happen in 10-15 years. A lot can happen in *two* years. (Like a
change of government in both the US and the UK, hopefully... one less
inclined towards spin, rhetoric, sabre-rattling and militarism and more
inclined towards being *nice* to people instead of bombing them all the
EvilBill - http://www.evilbill.org.uk
2006-06-11 06:46:37 UTC
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 00:44:55 +0100, "Courtney Cong"
<***@chumbawambawamba.com> wrote:

No #1 - Allowing idiots onto Usenet.
Andrew, contact via http://interpleb.googlepages.com
Help make Usenet a better place: English is read downwards,
please don't top post. Trim replies to quote only relevant text.
Check groups.google.com before asking an obvious question.
2006-06-11 14:59:53 UTC
TV on phones...I've always wanted bigger screens and have never understood
the logic of squeezing images onto smaller screens. Just means more people
wandering around not paying attention to what they are doing. Perhaps its
part of some new population control mechanism - just chalk up anyone who
walks in front of a car/truck etc while watching TV/talking on the phone/etc
as roadkill?
2006-06-30 00:22:10 UTC
I'd have to say Computer games... Can't. stop.. playing.......
starving....must ... have .. dinner..
Post by steve_c
TV on phones...I've always wanted bigger screens and have never understood
the logic of squeezing images onto smaller screens. Just means more people
wandering around not paying attention to what they are doing. Perhaps its
part of some new population control mechanism - just chalk up anyone who
walks in front of a car/truck etc while watching TV/talking on the phone/etc
as roadkill?
2006-07-03 00:27:58 UTC
EvilBill, you are a divil!

re: Worst-case scenario, even if they *were* pursuing nuclear weapons -
which as
far as anyone knows, they're not, despite the sabre-rattling from Bush and
Blair - they're 10-15 years away from having one.

And hopefully by then their young population will have voted for a
government that suits them. I will explain- Iran has a young population,
most of them (from articles I have read anyway) do not like these shah type
religious nutters in charge, and would prefer a more western type govt. , I
mean to say that they would like a government that is not bound by religion-
and I can see what others mean about the USA- a prez who is a bible thumper,
and an oil man to boot!
2006-07-03 09:10:40 UTC
Post by Carl
EvilBill, you are a divil!
re: Worst-case scenario, even if they *were* pursuing nuclear weapons -
which as
far as anyone knows, they're not, despite the sabre-rattling from Bush and
Blair - they're 10-15 years away from having one.
And hopefully by then their young population will have voted for a
government that suits them. I will explain- Iran has a young population,
most of them (from articles I have read anyway) do not like these shah
type religious nutters in charge, and would prefer a more western type
govt. , I mean to say that they would like a government that is not bound
by religion-
Exactly, yes - it's not yet been 30 years since the old Shahs were
overthrown and the Ayatollahs put in place (with US backing, I might add...)
And that will no doubt change in time. After all, people get fed up with
governments easily, just look at us in the West who want them out pretty
much as soon as they get in ;)
Post by Carl
and I can see what others mean about the USA- a prez who is a bible
thumper, and an oil man to boot!
Yeah, definitely! And a UK Prime Minister with his head so far up the
President's arse you can only see his boots. The sooner we can vote them
both out, the better ;)
EvilBill - http://www.evilbill.org.uk