Post by CarlEvilBill, you are a divil!
re: Worst-case scenario, even if they *were* pursuing nuclear weapons -
which as
far as anyone knows, they're not, despite the sabre-rattling from Bush and
Blair - they're 10-15 years away from having one.
And hopefully by then their young population will have voted for a
government that suits them. I will explain- Iran has a young population,
most of them (from articles I have read anyway) do not like these shah
type religious nutters in charge, and would prefer a more western type
govt. , I mean to say that they would like a government that is not bound
by religion-
Exactly, yes - it's not yet been 30 years since the old Shahs were
overthrown and the Ayatollahs put in place (with US backing, I might add...)
And that will no doubt change in time. After all, people get fed up with
governments easily, just look at us in the West who want them out pretty
much as soon as they get in ;)
Post by Carland I can see what others mean about the USA- a prez who is a bible
thumper, and an oil man to boot!
Yeah, definitely! And a UK Prime Minister with his head so far up the
President's arse you can only see his boots. The sooner we can vote them
both out, the better ;)
EvilBill -